Productive investments for micro-enterprises in the North-West Region
Advisory guide – 29.03.2023
Enhancing the sustainable growth and competitiveness of micro-enterprises and creating jobs within micro-enterprises, including through productive investments
The type of call
Competitive with deadline submission
The allocated budget
19,306,216 euros
Eligible beneficiaries
Companies that fall into the category of micro-enterprises registered in the North West Development region
They are not eligible small, medium and large enterprises
Minimum eligibility criteria
- The applicant carried out activity for a period corresponding to at least one fiscal year, recorded operating profit in the fiscal year prior to the submission of the financing application and did not have the activity suspended at any time in the year of submission of the financing application
- The applicant company is established on January 3, 2022 at the latest
- The applicant registered and registers including at the date of the grant of the aid an average number of employees of at least 1, in the fiscal year prior to the submission of the funding request
- The applicant and/or his legal representative are not in difficulty/bankruptcy/insolvency
- The place of implementation of the project is located in the urban environment (including villages belonging to cities, municipalities), on the territory of the North-West Development Region
Non-refundable financial aid
De minimis aid - maximum 90% from the eligible expenses of the project
Minimum 20,000 euros and maximum 200,000 euros/ sole enterprise, within the limit of the de minimis ceiling of 200,000 euros
The applicant bears from his own sources the co-financing of at least 10% provided for in the conditions of this call for projects, as well as the ineligible expenses necessary for the implementation of the project
- Providing an additional contribution to eligible expenses, over and above the 10% mentioned above, will result in an additional point being awarded
Type of investment:
- the purchase of innovative equipment/technologies/equipment, as well as investments in the construction/expansion/modernization of production/service provision spaces,
- support in the acquisition by SMEs of patents, licenses or non-patented technical solutions,
- the exploitation of research results by micro-enterprises
Types of eligible activities
- Investments in tangible assets
- construction works/expansion/modernization of production/service provision spaces
- the purchase of technological equipment, machines, work installations, furniture, computer equipment, office equipment
- the purchase of specific installations/equipment in order to obtain an energy saving, as well as systems that use renewable (alternative) energy sources for the efficiency of the activities for which funding has been requested, within the limit of 15% of the eligible value of the project
- renewable (alternative) sources of energy: solar energy (used to produce heat or supply electricity through photovoltaic systems); wind energy; hydropower; biomass (biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas); geothermal energy
- Investments in intangible assets: patents, licenses, trademarks, computer programs, other rights and similar assets
- Investments in the creation of tools for online marketing of the applicant's own services/products. These tools are aimed at creating a virtual store (e-shop) in which various functionalities specific to e-commerce are implemented: publishing catalogs of articles, prices and stocks, taking orders, electronic payment tools
Other relevant information
It is mandatory to increase the turnover compared to the year before submitting the funding request and to create at least one new full-time job that it maintains throughout the sustainability period.
Additionally, other environmental objectives achieved within the submitted project will be scored:
- It ensures the transition to a circular economy
- Ensure adaptation to climate change.