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Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs in the fields of robotics and nanotechnologies

 Advisory guide – 29.03.2023

Enhancing the sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and creating jobs within SMEs, including through productive investments

The type of call
Competitive with deadline submission

The allocated budget
46,714,503.60 euros

Eligible beneficiaries
Companies that fall into the category of micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises from the urban and rural environment, registered in the North West region.

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • SMEs registered in the North-West region (registered office), established no later than January 3, 2022, which recorded an operating profit in the fiscal year prior to the submission of the financing application
  • The applicant proposes an investment in the urban/rural environment
  • The applicant undertakes to bear from its own sources the co-financing provided for in the conditions of this call for projects, as well as the ineligible expenses
  • The applicant registered and registers, including at the date of the grant of the aid, an average number of employees of at least 3, in the fiscal year prior to the submission of the funding request
  • The applicant and/or his legal representative are not in difficulty/insolvency/bankruptcy
  • Increasing turnover and creating at least one job through the project

Non-refundable financial aid

  • State aid
  • De minimis aid

The minimum non-refundable amount of regional and/or minimis state aid – 200,000 euros
The maximum non-refundable value of a project that includes both regional state aid and de minimis aid – 1,500,000 euros

For the state aid component of the project, the amount of non-refundable financing it is granted depending on the category of the enterprise and the county to which it belongs:

Medium enterprises

  • Bihor, Cluj – 50%
  • Bistrita, Maramureș, Satu Mare, Sălaj – 60%

Small and micro-enterprises

  • Bihor, Cluj – 60%
  • Bistrita, Maramureș, Satu Mare, Sălaj – 70%

For the component of de minimis aid of the project, the contribution of the program is a maximum of 100% of the eligible value of the expenses financed by de minimis aid and within the limit of the de minimis ceiling of a maximum of 200,000 euros/single enterprise

 Type of investment:


  • Innovative materials and goods based on/using advanced materials, composites, biomaterials (e.g. biofilm, bioplastic, etc.), including materials obtained from recycling new functional coatings, nanomaterials, multifunctional materials, which could support new economic activities, new products especially in the fields of: paper, plastic, packaging, metal processing.
  • Characterization and modeling of physical properties of materials required for integrated sensors in smart electronic microsystems
  • Development of new materials for 3D printing with applications in construction and machinery and equipment


  • Machines, machines, innovative equipment in the fields of robotics, mechatronics, automation, advanced manufacturing and processing systems, rapid prototyping/additive manufacturing (additive manufacturing/rapid prototyping)

 Types of eligible activities

  • construction works, expansion of production/service facilities
  • the purchase of equipment, technologies, innovative machines, as well as investments in production spaces/related services;
  • investments in advanced production techniques – investments in tangible and intangible assets related to industrial modernization for the sectors of smart specialization, industrial design, including design-based innovation, mass customization (3D printing, direct digital manufacturing), marketing activities;
  • support in the acquisition by SMEs of patents, licenses or non-patented technical solutions
  • capitalization by SMEs of research results;
  • the valorization of some research results (the continuation initiative of the Research Valorization Program action - developed within the action with the World Bank "Supporting catching up regions in Romania"
  • the purchase of specific installations/equipment in order to obtain an energy saving, as well as systems that use renewable (alternative) energy sources for the efficiency of the activities for which he requested financing.

To remember!

It is a condition of eligibility to assume the increase in turnover compared to the year before submitting the funding request and the creation of at least one new full-time job that the beneficiary maintains throughout the sustainability period.

The investment must be maintained in the NV region for a period of at least three years after making the final payment under the financing contract.