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Advisory guide – 01.08.2023

Estimated release date: 15 October – 30 November 2023


The support granted through INTERVENTION DR-20 – INVESTMENTS IN THE LIVESTOCK SECTOR will contribute to:

Improving the general performance of zootechnical holdings by increasing livestock numbers and by diversifying species;

Restructuring and modernization of livestock holdings, improving the efficient use of resources and access to digital technologies;

The production and use of energy from renewable sources, the circular bioeconomy and the reduction of GHG emissions;

Compliance with community standards applicable to all types of investments;

Increasing the added value of agricultural products by processing products at the farm level.

A single call will be launched for the 2023-2029 programming period. Projects will be submitted based on the monthly quality threshold.

The allocated budget

224,610,728 euros

Eligible beneficiaries

Farmers, agricultural cooperatives and cooperative societies, producer groups and organizations

Minimum eligibility criteria

  • The applicant will appear in the APIA/ANSVSA/ANZ system (as applicable), prior to the submission of the Financing Application, with the form of carrying out the economic activity with which they request support through this intervention
    • In the case of a new investment, the applicant will have to prove that he is registered in the unique APIA system, with a holding registration code, regardless of whether or not he owns land in operation. The calculation of the holding size will be based on the forecasts.
  • The economic viability of the investment must be demonstrated based on the technical-economic documentation
  • The investment must be made within an agricultural holding with an economic size of at least €12,000 SO
  • The applicant must demonstrate the co-financing of the investment (at the time of contracting)
  • In the case of projects that propose processing/storage/conditioning at least 50% of the agricultural products that are subject to processing/storage/conditioning must come from the own farm and/or from the farms of the members (in the case of associative forms) – the eligibility condition is checked at the time of submission of the financing request and at the time of submission of the last payment installment;

The amount of non-reimbursable public aid

  • The maximum amount of public support is 2,000,000 euros/project, and in the case of projects that propose exclusively the simple purchase of machinery and agricultural equipment, the maximum amount of public support is 300,000 euros/project

The financing percentage – maximum 65% of the eligible costs

Eligible investments

  • Establishment, expansion and/or modernization of animal shelters, conditioning and/or storage units
  • Purchase of agricultural equipment and machinery
  • Investments in renewable energy (min. 10% of the eligible value of the project)
  • Intangible investments
  • And so on

Eligible species

During this session, they will benefit from a distinct allocation:

1. Cattle sector (including buffaloes)

2. The pig sector

3. The sheep-goat sector

4. Poultry (except for the modernization of existing holdings for raising laying hens) and other farm animals, including bees

5. Laying hens – upgrading to move from improved batteries to alternative rearing systems


Establishment/development of the farm-level sales/marketing component, including farm-gate shops or food trailers through which only own agricultural products will be marketed, only as a secondary component of the project.

In order to score the project proposed by the applicant in the associative form, none of its members must own, at the time of submitting the funding application, a holding with an economic size (SO) greater than 30% of the cumulative SO of all the economic sizes of the holdings members of the respective associative form.

If the project foresees investments in irrigation equipment at the farm level used for fodder crops, the approvals issued by ANAR, ANIF, OUAI, as the case may be, will be checked at the time of submitting the financing application.

In the case of projects that provide for the modernization/completion of existing constructions/acquisition of equipment with assembly that changes the operating regime of the existing construction, it is attached to the mandatory Feasibility Study Specialized technical expertise on the existing construction and/or The report on the physical status of the works.

Specific types of ineligible expenses:

  • Acquisition of land and buildings
  • Purchase of animals
  • Construction and modernization of the home
  • Acquisition of agricultural production rights, payment rights, animals
  • The expenses for the maintenance of agricultural crops
  • The expenses for which the producer organizations applied the FEGA OP
  • Purchases of means of transport for goods/merchandise, not specialized for the agricultural activity targeted in the project
  • Purchases of means of transport for people/for personal use
  • Expenses with the spaces that serve the general activity of the agricultural holding: administrative spaces, meeting rooms, accommodation spaces, etc.

The execution period of the Financing Agreement is a maximum of 3 years (36 months) for projects that provide for construction-installation investments and a maximum of 2 years (24 months) for investment projects that include simple purchases without financial leasing of machinery, installations , new equipment and facilities.

Monitoring period: 5 years from the date of the last payment.